Custom Business Logo Design in Virginia

Elevated Brands &
Social Occasions

A Virginia-based creative agency offering design and social media services for businesses, events, and weddings in Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Staunton, and beyond.

Brands We Work With:


Meet Victoria

Custom Business Logo Design in Virginia

Victoria (Tori) holds a Masters of Business Administration with a focus in marketing and communications from High Point University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree from Christopher Newport University and a certification in color consulting. She has a well-rounded background, with a decade of hands-on experience in social media, content creation, brand strategy, design, customer experience, and more. Victoria has worked in various fields, such as interior design, beauty, wellness, hospitality, weddings, craft beverage & wine, music, and animal welfare, among others. Most notably, she served as VP of Marketing for a respected textile brand in High Point, North Carolina and had the honor of being a recurring guest speaker for a social media course at High Point University.

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Custom Business Logo Design and Social Media Consulting serving Charlottesville, Staunton, Harrisonburg, Richmond, Hampton Roads, and Northern Virginia.

Our Work

Thinking of working with us? Visit our portfolio to get a sense of our style.